I've been very lucky with competitions lately! First I won NiftyKnits's Competition and received this beautiful knitted Corsage. Take a look at Nifty's new range of Star Trek Meerkat Cards which accompany her range of Meerkats - pure genius!
Next I won Mollimoo's Competition and received these fabulous Fabric Strawberry Buttons! There was also a lovely stash of Vintage buttons - thank you Mollimoo!
Mollimoo's shop has a great range of unique hand made buttons - I particularly like this set of duck buttons.
I finally finished my Stained Glass Panel. It's been a tough journey and I didn't think I could do it, but finally I created something! I adapted my design from one I found in a book.
Somehow I managed to turn that into this :
If I can do it anyone can do it! I've also been playing around with the Wire Crochet and practicing new stitches with wool in preparation for another session with Teri Howes. I am hoping to get to grips with more advanced Wire Crochet techniques and produce much finer work.