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Monday, 15 June 2009

Blog Giveaway!

I am quite partial to a Tunnock's Teacake from time to time - being married to a Scotsman it's compulsory!

A while ago now I bought a fantastic bag from designer Gillian Kyle featuring a massive Tunnock's Teacake!

I managed to pop along to Cockpit Arts for their Open Studios with 4 year old Twin B in tow! The deal was he'd behave and keep his hands to himself near all the Designers' lovely stuff and I in return would take him to The London Transport Museum.

Twin B was good and even had a go at some hands on designing at Cockpit Arts. He made his very own badge courtesy of Jo Sheffield the woman behind the Busbie label.

I was particularly drawn to these lovely badges - can you guess why?!!


If you would like to win a pack of the badges* above you can enter simply by:

1. posting a link to my competition on a social networking site, blog or forum of your choice


2. Signing up to my blog if you haven't done so already!

Please leave a comment below telling me you have entered.

I have two packs so there will be two winners. Entries will be drawn on Friday 19th June!

*Tunnock's Teacake not included!


  1. ohh excellent! off to spam everywhere with a link lol. i love that bag by the way!

  2. Right I'm posting a link too! love the bag & badges - I've gone proper hungry now too!

  3. Ooh ace idea. I love the badges and the bag and the teacakes!! In fact i am now yearning for one. Must resist!! Off to tweet!

  4. I'm off to tweet about it too, Hope I win, it's the day before my birthday!!

  5. Those badges are gorgeous, I have entered - off to tweet and blog ;)

  6. My tummy can confirm that I am a great fan of tunnocks tea cakes. Love the bag you purchased too. I already follow your blog so will tweet. Would wear with pride!!

  7. So that's what those cakes are called. Haven't seen them in years but am now off to find some. And me a cake connoisseur and married to a Scot!

    I've entered and blogged. Love the bag and the badges. Shame the tea cake isn't included but guess it's too valuable to part with.

  8. You can buy the tea cakes in most good supermarkets! I'm afraid I ate the one in the picture!

  9. Actually thought I was already following you..... but deffy am now will tweet your give away too! x

  10. I have retweeted! Great giveaway! I now feel compelled to eat a Tunnock's teacake... I love them!

  11. i'm a newcomer and have just joined! those badges are amazing xx

  12. Keep trying to enter and it won't let me leave a comment!
    If this works, I have put a thing on my blog about the comp x

  13. Yay, finally! After about the 6th attempt!!

  14. Hi!
    I tweeted, put it in my facebok status message, blogged about it on myspace, and am following you on here!

  15. hello - just joined up as a follower, and twittered about the giveaway. are you on twitter?

  16. Hello!
    I have joined and just twitted! I have always wanted to go to the Cockpits Arts, one day!
    Love your bags, my son adores Tunnocks teacakes, I have a soft spot for the caramel biscuits!

  17. Yummy. I'm a big Tunnocks fan! I love the teacakes and the caramel bars! hhhmmmmmm.
    I tweeted about your giveaway and Iwas already a follower!
    Just to let you know, I've tagged you over on my blog
    Fly by and take a peek, if you're up for it then it would be great to have an insight into the land of Jo!
    Love and Light,Kitty xXx

  18. have just signed up to your lovely blog and would love to enter the comp.
    Lovinh THAT bag!

  19. Hiya - found your blog from Fraggie rock's blog & I've throughly enjoyed myself, having a good read.

    I'm now a follower & will add you to the list on mine blog.


  20. Hello...I entered too! Found your blog via your FB posting!


Please leave your nice comment here!